Oracle7 Server SQL Reference
To remove a synonym from the database.
If you want to drop a private synonym, either the synonym must be in your own schema or you must have DROP ANY SYNONYM system privilege. If you want to drop a PUBLIC synonym, either the synonym must be in your own schema or you must have DROP ANY PUBLIC SYNONYM system privilege.
If you are using Trusted Oracle7 in DBMS MAC mode, your DBMS label must match the synonym's creation label or you must satisfy one of the following criteria:
- If the synonym's creation label is higher than your DBMS label, you must have READUP and WRITEUP system privileges
- If the synonym's creation label is lower than your DBMS label, you must have WRITEDOWN system privilege.
- If the synonym's creation label and your DBMS label are not comparable, you must have READUP, WRITEUP, and WRITEDOWN system privileges.

Keywords and Parameters
PUBLIC must be specified to drop a public synonym. You cannot specify schema if you have specified PUBLIC.
is the schema containing the synonym. If you omit schema, Oracle7 assumes the synonym is in your own schema.
is the name of the synonym to be dropped.
Usage Notes
You can change the definition of a synonym by dropping and recreating it.
To drop a synonym named MARKET, issue the following statement:
Related Topic
CREATE SYNONYM command ![[*]](jump.gif)