Oracle7 Server SQL Reference
To remove a cluster from the database.
The cluster must be in your own schema or you must have DROP ANY CLUSTER system privilege.
If you are using Trusted Oracle7 in DBMS MAC mode, your DBMS label must match the cluster's creation label or you must satisfy one of the following criteria:
- If the cluster's creation label is higher than your DBMS label, you must have READUP and WRITEUP system privileges
- If the cluster's creation label is lower than your DBMS label, you must have WRITEDOWN system privilege.
- If the cluster's creation label and your DBMS label are not comparable, you must have READUP, WRITEUP, and WRITEDOWN system privileges.

Keywords and Parameters
schema is the schema containing the cluster. If you omit schema, Oracle7 assumes the cluster is in your own schema.
is the name of the cluster to be dropped.
drops all tables that belong to the cluster. If you omit this clause, and the cluster still contains tables, Oracle7 returns an error and does not drop the cluster.
drops all referential integrity constraints from tables outside the cluster that refer to primary and unique keys in the tables of the cluster. If you omit this option and such referential integrity constraints exist, Oracle7 returns an error message and does not drop the cluster.
Usage Notes
Dropping a cluster also drops the cluster index and returns all cluster space, including data blocks for the index, to the appropriate tablespace(s).
You cannot un-cluster an individual table. To create an un-clustered table identical to an existing clustered table, follow the following steps:
1. Create a new table with the same structure and contents as the old one but with no CLUSTER option.
3. Use the RENAME command to give the new table the name of the old one.
Grants on the old clustered table do not apply to the new un-clustered table and must be regranted.
This command drops a cluster named GEOGRAPHY, all its tables, and any referential integrity constraints that refer to primary or unique keys in those tables:
DROP CLUSTER geography
Related Topic
DROP TABLE command ![[*]](jump.gif)