Oracle Server Manager User's Guide

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00100-00199: Server Manager Line Mode Parsing Messages

MGR-00100 invalid SPOOL file name

Cause:When using the SPOOL command, you entered an invalid file specification or the name of a file that already exists.
Action:Specify a valid name for a file that does not currently exist.
MGR-00101 extraneous text at end of command

Cause:There were unrecognized commands or other text on the command line.
Action:Issue the command without the extraneous text.
MGR-00102 missing LOG keyword

Cause:The LOG keyword was missing from the ARCHIVE LOG command.
Action:Correct the syntax of the command, then issue the command again.
MGR-00103 illegal ARCHIVE LOG option

Cause:An option specified was not LIST, STOP, START, NEXT, ALL, a number, or a filename in the ARCHIVE LOG command.
Action:Correct the syntax of the command, then issue the command again.
MGR-00104 illegal RECOVER option

Cause:You specified an invalid option. Valid options for the RECOVER command are DATABASE, MANUAL, UNTIL, TABLESPACE, or DATAFILE.
Action:Correct the syntax of the command, then issue the command again.
MGR-00105 invalid INSTANCE name

Cause:An invalid SQL*Net service name was specified for the instance name.
Action:Refer to your Oracle platform-specific documentation for a complete description of specifying SQL*Net service names.
MGR-00106 invalid ECHO switch

Cause:An invalid option for the SET ECHO command was specified.
Action:Use either ON or OFF as an option for the SET ECHO command.
MGR-00107 invalid TERMOUT switch

Cause:An invalid option for the SET TERMOUT command was specified.
Action:Use either ON or OFF as an option for the SET TERMOUT command.
MGR-00108 invalid TIMING switch

Cause:An invalid option for the SET TIMING command was specified.
Action:Use either ON or OFF as an option for the SET TIMING command.
MGR-00109 invalid CYCLE value

Cause:An invalid value for the SET CYCLE command was specified.
Action:The SET CYCLE command requires a value between 15 seconds and 99:99 (min:sec), inclusive.
MGR-00110 illegal SET option

Cause:An invalid option for the SET command was specified.
Action:Correct the syntax of the SET command and issue the command again. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.
MGR-00111 illegal SHOW option

Cause:An invalid option for the SHOW command was specified.
Action:Correct the syntax of the SHOW command and issue the command again. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.
MGR-00113 invalid PFILE name

Cause:Server Manager does not recognize the file specified by the PFILE option.
Action:Specify a legal parameter file.
MGR-00114 invalid database name

Cause:The specified database name is not recognized.
Action:Specify a legal database name.
MGR-00115 unexpected end of command

Cause:An option was specified without any arguments.
Action:Correct the syntax of the command and enter the command again with the appropriate arguments for options that require values.
MGR-00116 illegal SHUTDOWN option

Cause:An option was specified that was not NORMAL, IMMEDIATE, or ABORT for the SHUTDOWN command.
Action:Correct the syntax of the command, then issue the command again.
MGR-00117 invalid tablespace name

Cause:The specified tablespace name was not recognized.
Action:Specify a legal tablespace name.
MGR-00118 invalid process identifier or statistics class

Cause:Something other than a number for a process identifier, or an invalid class was specified after the MONITOR STATISTICS command.
Action:Specify only numbers as process identifiers, or specify a valid class for the MONITOR STATISTICS command.
MGR-00119 illegal STARTUP option

Cause:An option was specified that was not DBA, PFILE, EXCLUSIVE, SHARED, MOUNT, OPEN, RECOVER, or NOMOUNT for the STARTUP command.
Action:Correct the syntax of the command, then issue the command again.
MGR-00120 invalid STOPONERROR switch

Cause:An invalid option was specified for the SET STOPONERROR command.
Action:Use either ON or OFF as an option for the SET STOPONERROR command.
MGR-00121 illegal MONITOR option

Cause:An illegal option was specified for the MONITOR command.
Action:Correct the syntax of the MONITOR command in the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide and issue the command again.
MGR-00122 invalid SET numeric parameter

Cause:A character or an invalid value was specified when a number was expected as a value for a SET command option.
Action:Correct the syntax of the command, use an appropriate number for the option and issue the command again.
MGR-00123 invalid tablespace name list

Cause:An invalid string was specified as one of the values in the list of tablespaces in the ARCHIVE LOG command. For example, an empty string is an invalid string.
Action:Correct the syntax of the command, use valid tablespace names for all names in the list, then enter the command again.
MGR-00124 invalid ARCHIVE destination

Cause:The specified ARCHIVE destination was not recognized.
Action:Specify a legal ARCHIVE destination. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.
MGR-00125 integer value overflow

Cause:A numeric value was specified that was too large.
Action:Use a smaller number.
MGR-00127 invalid combination of STARTUP options

Cause:The specified options of the STARTUP command cannot be used simultaneously.
Action:Correct the syntax of the STARTUP command and issue the command again. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for options that can be used with STARTUP.
MGR-00128 invalid DEBUG switch

Cause:The DEBUG switch was not recognized.
Action:Specify a legal DEBUG switch. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.
MGR-00129 value out of range (1 - num)

Cause:The specified value was out of range. The valid range is given by the error message.
Action:Use a number within the range specified by this error.
MGR-00131 invalid ARCHIVE TO device

Cause:The specified ARCHIVE TO device was not recognized.
Action:Specify a legal ARCHIVE TO device. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.
MGR-00132 null hostname/password specified

Cause:"hostname/password" was not specified.
Action:Specify the correct "hostname/password".
MGR-00133 invalid datafile list

Cause:An invalid string was entered as one of the values in the list of datafiles in the ARCHIVE LOG command. For example, an empty string is an invalid string.
Action:Correct the syntax of the command, use valid datafile names for all names in the list, then enter the command again.
MGR-00134 invalid AUTORECOVERY switch

Cause:An invalid option was specified for the SET AUTORECOVERY command.
Action:Use either ON or OFF as options for the SET AUTORECOVERY command.
MGR-00136 bad variable specification

Cause:A variable was incorrectly specified using the VARIABLE command.
Action:Correct the syntax of the command, then issue the command again.
MGR-00137 syntax error in PL/SQL Block

Cause:The PL/SQL block contains a syntax error.
Action:Correct the syntax error.
MGR-00139 invalid ALTER DATABASE option

Cause:The specified ALTER DATABASE option was not recognized.
Action:Specify a legal option. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.
MGR-00140 invalid COMPATIBILITY switch

Cause:The specified COMPATIBILITY switch was not recognized.
Action:Specify a legal COMPATIBILITY switch. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.
MGR-00141 invalid RETRIES value

Cause:The specified RETRIES value was not recognized.
Action:Specify a legal RETRIES value. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.
MGR-00142 cannot recognize object type, owner, or name

Cause:The specified object type, owner, or name was not recognized.
Action:Specify a legal object type, owner, or name.
MGR-00143 variable "name" has not been defined

Cause:The specified variable was not recognized.
Action:Specify an existing variable. You can use the PRINT command to display currently defined variables.
MGR-00144 invalid object type for DESCRIBE

Cause:The specified object type was not TABLE, VIEW, or PROCEDURE.
Action:Check that the object is a table, view, or procedure. If so, check that you specified the correct name and try again. If not, you cannot DESCRIBE the object.
MGR-00145 invalid object name for DESCRIBE

Cause:The specified table, view, stored procedure, or function was not recognized.
Action:Check your spelling and be sure to specify an existing table, view, stored procedure, or function.
MGR-00146 invalid HISTORY value

Cause:The specified HISTORY value was not recognized.
Action:Specify a legal HISTORY value. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.
MGR-00147 invalid LINES value

Cause:The specified LINES value was not recognized.
Action:Specify a legal LINES value. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.

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