Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems Volume II: Replicated Data

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Determining Outstanding Changes

After making changes to your replicated environment at the master definition site, you can use the WAIT_MASTER_LOG procedure in the DBMS_REPCAT package to determine if these changes have been applied to your current master site.

In the following example, this procedure waits until either 120 seconds have passed or there are at most 5 records in the local RepCatLog view that represent administrative activities for the ACCT replicated object group that have not completed before returning the actual number of incomplete activities.

Activities that have completed with or without an error are not considered. This allows you to determine if changes that were asynchronously propagated to a master site have been applied.

incomplete NATURAL;
DBMS_REPCAT.WAIT_MASTER_LOG(	gname	=>	'acct', 
	record_count	=>	5, 
	timeout	=>	120, 
	true_count	=>	incomplete);

If there are N master sites and one master definition site for a replicated object group, most asynchronous administrative requests eventually create N+1 log records at the master definition site and one log record at each master. ADD_MASTER_DATABASE is an exception, and may create a log record at the master definition site and a log record at the new master site for each object in the replicated object group.

Additional Information: The parameters for the WAIT_MASTER_LOG procedure are described in Table 12 - 173, and the exceptions are listed in Table 12 - 174.

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