Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems Volume I: Distributed Data
Developing and Installing Applications that Use the XA Libraries
This section discusses developing and installing Oracle7 Server applications. It describes the responsibilities of both the DBA, or system administrator, and the application developer. It also defines how to construct the open string.
Responsibilities of the DBA or System Administrator
The responsibilities of the DBA or system administrator are:
1. Define the open string with the application developer's help.
How to define the open string is described
This view should have been created during the XA library installation. You can manually create the view if needed by running the SQL script XAVIEW.SQL. This SQL script should be executed as the Oracle user SYS. Grant the SELECT privilege to the V$XATRANS$ view for all Oracle Server accounts which will be used by Oracle XA library applications.
Additional Information: See your Oracle operating
system-specific documentation for the location of the XAVIEW.SQL script.
Server security groups are defined by the open string field, GPwd=P/group_password.
4. Install the resource manager, using the open string information, into the TPM configuration, following the TPM vendor instructions.
The DBA or system administrator should be aware that a TPM system will start the process that connects to an Oracle7 Server. See your TPM documentation to determine what environment exists for the process and what user ID it will have.
Be sure that correct values are set for ORACLE_HOME
Also be sure to grant the user ID write permission to the directory in which the XA trace file will be written. See "Defining the Open String"
for information on how to specify a sid or a trace directory that is different from the defaults.
5. Start up the relevant databases to bring Oracle XA
applications online.
This should be done before starting any TPM servers.
Responsibilities of the Application Developer
The application developer's responsibilities are:
1. Define the open string with the DBA or system administrator's help.
Defining the open string is described later in this section.
2. Develop the applications.
Observe special restrictions on transaction-oriented SQL statements for precompilers. See "Interfacing to Precompilers and OCIs,"
3. Link the application according to TPM vendor instructions.
See your Oracle operating system-specific documentation for specific information on the exact libraries needed.