In some cases, you might need to create additional groups or members of online redo log files. For example, adding groups to an online redo log can correct redo log group availability problems. A database can have up to MAXLOGFILES groups.
The following statement adds a new group of redo logs to the database:
ADD LOGFILE ('log1c', 'log2c') SIZE 500K;
Note: Fully specify filenames of new log members to indicate where the operating system file should be created; otherwise, the file is created in the default directory of the database server, which is operating system-dependent. If you want to reuse an existing operating system file, you do not have to indicate the file size.
Using the ALTER DATABASE statement with the ADD LOGFILE option, you can specify the number that identifies the group with the GROUP option:
ADD LOGFILE GROUP 10 ('log1c', 'log2c') SIZE 500K;
Using group numbers can make administering redo log groups easier. However, the group number must be between 1 and MAXLOGFILES; do not skip redo log file group numbers (that is, do not number your groups 10, 20, 30, and so on), or you will consume unnecessary space in the control files of the database.
To create new online redo log members for an existing group, use the Add Logfile Member property sheet of Server Manager, or the SQL command ALTER DATABASE with the ADD LOG MEMBER parameter.
The following statement adds a new redo log member to redo log group number 2:
Notice that filenames must be specified, but sizes need not be; the size of the new members is determined from the size of the existing members of the group.
When using the ALTER DATABASE command, you can alternatively identify the target group by specifying all of the other members of the group in the TO parameter, as shown in the following example:
ADD LOGFILE MEMBER 'log2c' TO ('log2a', 'log2b');
Note: Fully specify the filenames of new log members to indicate where the operating system files should be created; otherwise, the files will be created in the default directory of the database server.