Oracle7 Server Messages

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00100-00299: LCC Messages

LCC-00100 internal error, argument num

Cause:An internal error was encountered.
Action:Call customer support with the circumstances leading to the error and the complete set of messages.
LCC-00111 value not in legal range range

Cause:The value of the parameter was outside the valid range.
Action:Check the valid range and retry using a new value.
LCC-00112 illegal integer radix specification character

Cause:An invalid character was specified.
Action:Valid characters are 'd', 'h', 'D', and 'H'.
LCC-00113 integer conversion error or negative integer num

Cause:A non-integer or negative integer was assigned to an integer parameter.
Action:Retry using a valid integer value.
LCC-00114 illegal boolean response character

Cause:A value other than TRUE or FALSE was specified.
Action:Enter a boolean value, either TRUE or FALSE.
LCC-00122 unrecognized keyword name

Cause:An invalid or misspelled keyword was specified.
Action:Re-enter the line.
LCC-00128 invalid positional parameter value num

Cause:An invalid positional parameter value was specified.
Action:Correct the value.
LCC-00161 Oracle error (possible syntax error) parameter name

Cause:A parameter was specified incorrectly, possibly with a syntax error.
Action:Correct the error as described in the accompanying message.
LCC-00201 could not open specified filename name

Cause:The specified file did not exist.
Action:Check the name of the file or create a file by that name before retrying.
LCC-00203 missing keyword name

Cause:A keyword is expected but none was found.
Action:Add a parameter keyword followed by an equal sign and a parameter value.
LCC-00204 left parenthesis and no parameter specified name

Cause:A parameter list was started but no parameter was specified.
Action:Add an appropriate list of values and close the parameter list.
LCC-00205 unbalanced parentheses character

Cause:An odd number of parentheses was found, indicating that one is missing or one is extra.
Action:Retry the statement using the correct number of parentheses.
LCC-00206 positional parameter entered after keyword name

Cause:An equal sign was missing.
Action:Retry the parameter specification using an equal sign between the parameter name and the value.
LCC-00207 nested parentheses encountered character

Cause:More than one set of parentheses was used. Only one set of parentheses is permitted.
Action:Remove the nested parentheses and retry.
LCC-00208 unexpected keyword in value list name

Cause:A keyword was found instead of a value.
Action:Insert an appropriate value for the keyword.
LCC-00209 missing value for keyword at end of string str

Cause:A keyword was specified with no value.
Action:Specify a valid value for the keyword.
LCC-00210 illegal assignment operator symbol

Cause:An attempt was made to use a symbol other than an equal sign to assign a value to a parameter.
Action:Retry using an equal sign following the parameter name.
LCC-00211 unexpected delimiter symbol

Cause:An invalid delimiter was found between values.
Action:A comma or a space is a valid delimiter.
LCC-00212 runaway quoted string str

Cause:The parameter value was quoted on the left side but not on the right.
Action:Balance the quotation marks.
LCC-00215 parameter files nested too deep num

Cause:Too many parameter files were nested. The maximum number of files that may be nested is three.
Action:Reduce the number of nested parameter files.
LCC-00217 failure while processing file parameter

Cause:An error occurred while processing a file parameter.
Action:Other messages will follow with additional information.
LCC-00218 error in file name

Cause:An error occurred in the particular file.
Action:Other messages will follow with additional information.

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