Oracle7 Server Messages
02450-02475: Hash Cluster Commands
This section lists messages that occur when commands are used that affect hash clusters.
ORA-02450 invalid hash option - missing keyword IS
Cause: | The IS keyword is missing from the CREATE CLUSTER command. | |
Action: | Check the syntax of the command and retry the statement. | |
ORA-02451 duplicate HASHKEYS specification
Cause: | The HASHKEYS option of the CREATE CLUSTER command is specified more than once. | |
Action: | Check the syntax of the command, make certain to specify the HASHKEYS option only once, then retry the command. | |
ORA-02452 invalid HASHKEYS option value
Cause: | The value specified for HASHKEYS must be an integer. | |
Action: | Check the syntax of the command, make certain to specify an integer for the HASHKEYS option, then retry the command. | |
ORA-02453 duplicate HASH IS specification
Cause: | The HASH IS option is specified more than once. | |
Action: | Check the syntax of the command, make certain to specify the HASH IS option only once, then retry the command. | |
ORA-02454 number of hash keys per block num exceeds maximum of num
Cause: | The SIZE option specified for this hashed cluster is to small. | |
Action: | Retry the statement using a larger value for the SIZE option. | |
ORA-02455 the number of cluster key column must be 1
Cause: | An attempt was made to create a cluster using the HASH IS option with a number of key columns other than 1. Specify only one key column when using the HASH IS option. | |
Action: | Check the syntax of the command. Either specify only one key column or do not specify the HASH IS option, then retry the command. | |
ORA-02456 the HASH IS column specification must be NUMBER(*,0)
Cause: | The column specification in the command must specify an integer. | |
Action: | Check the syntax of the command, make certain to specify an integer for the column specification, then retry the command. | |
ORA-02457 the HASH IS option must specify a valid column
Cause: | An attempt was made to create a cluster with the HASH IS option without specifying a valid column name. | |
Action: | Check the syntax of the command. Specify a valid column name in the statement, then retry the statement. | |
ORA-02458 HASHKEYS must be specified for a HASH CLUSTER
Cause: | An attempt was made to create a hash cluster without specifying the HASHKEYS option in the statement. | |
Action: | Check the syntax of the command, specify the HASHKEYS option, and retry the command. | |
ORA-02459 hashkey value must be a positive integer
Cause: | The value specified for HASHKEYS was not a positive integer. | |
Action: | Check the syntax of the command, specify only positive integers for the HASHKEYS option, then retry the command. | |
ORA-02460 inappropriate index operation on a hash cluster
Cause: | An attempt was made to create a cluster index on a hash cluster. | |
Action: | Creation of cluster indexes on hash clusters is not allowed. Do not attempt to create this index. | |
ORA-02461 inappropriate use of the INDEX option
Cause: | The INDEX option cannot be specified for hash clusters. | |
Action: | Check the syntax of the command. Do not specify the INDEX option with
hash clusters. | |
ORA-02462 duplicate INDEX option specified
Cause: | The INDEX option is specified more than once. | |
Action: | Check the syntax of the command, correct the problem, then retry
the statement. | |
ORA-02463 duplicate HASH IS option specified
Cause: | The HASH IS option is specified more than once. | |
Action: | Check the syntax of the command, correct the problem, then retry
the statement. | |
ORA-02464 cluster definition cannot be both HASH and INDEX
Cause: | Both the HASH IS and INDEX option were specified. Clusters can be hash or indexed, but not both. | |
Action: | Decide on which type of cluster is to be created, check the syntax of the command, then retry the statement. | |
ORA-02465 inappropriate use of the HASH IS option
Cause: | The HASH IS option is valid only for clusters. | |
Action: | Check the syntax of the command, use the HASH IS option only for clusters, then retry the command. | |
ORA-02466 the SIZE option is not allowed to be altered for HASH CLUSTERS
Cause: | An attempt was made to change the SIZE option of a hash cluster after the cluster was created. | |
Action: | The SIZE option can be specified only when creating the hash cluster. Do not attempt to alter the SIZE of the cluster. | |
ORA-02467 column referenced in hash expression not present in cluster
Cause: | A column referenced in a hash expression is not present in the
cluster definition. | |
Action: | Recreate the cluster and correct the error in the hash expression. | |
ORA-02468 constant or system variable wrongly specified in expression
Cause: | A constant or system variable is specified in the hash expression. | |
Action: | Recreate the cluster and correct the error in the hash expression. | |
ORA-02469 hash expression does not return an Oracle Number
Cause: | The result of evaluating a hash expression is not an Oracle Number. | |
Action: | Recreate the cluster and correct the error in the hash expression. | |
ORA-02470 TO_DATE, USERENV, or SYSDATE incorrectly used in hash expression
Cause: | TO_DATE, USERENV, and SYSDATE are not allowed in hash expressions. | |
Action: | Recreate the cluster and correct the error in the hash expression. | |
ORA-02471 SYSDATE, UID, USER, ROWNUM, OR LEVEL incorrectly used in
hash expression
Cause: | SYSDATE, UID, USER, ROWNUM, OR LEVEL are not allowed in
hash expression(s). | |
Action: | Recreate the cluster and correct the error in the hash expression. | |
ORA-02472 PL/SQL functions not allowed in hash expressions
Cause: | A PL/SQL function is used in a hash expression. | |
Action: | Recreate the cluster and remove the PL/SQL function. | |
ORA-02473 error while evaluating the cluster's hash expressions
Cause: | An error occurred while evaluating the cluster's hash expression. | |
Action: | Correct the query and retry. | |
ORA-02474 fixed hash area extents used num exceeds maximum allowed num
Cause: | The number of extents required for creating the fixed hash area exceeded the maximum number allowed. | |
Action: | Reduce the number of extents required by increasing the extent allocation sizes within the STORAGE clause. | |