Oracle7 Server Messages
00600-00639: Oracle Exceptions
This section lists messages generated when an internal exception is generated within Oracle.
ORA-00600 internal error code, arguments: [num], [?], [?], [?], [?], [?]
Cause: | This is a catchall internal error message for Oracle program exceptions. It indicates that a process has met a low-level, unexpected condition. | |
Various causes of this message include:
- failed data checks in memory
- hardware, memory, or I/O errors
- incorrectly restored files
The first argument is the internal message number. Other arguments are various numbers, names, and character strings. See "Calling Customer Support"
for more information. The numbers may change meanings between different versions of the Oracle Server.
Action: | Report this error to customer support after gathering the following information: | |
- events that led up to the error
- the operations that were attempted that led to the error
- the conditions of the operating system and database at the time of
the error
- any unusual circumstances that occurred before receiving the
ORA-00600 message
- contents of any trace files generated by the error
- the relevant portions of the Alert file
NOTE: The cause of this message may manifest itself as different errors at different times. Be aware of the history of errors that occurred before this internal error.
ORA-00601 cleanup lock conflict
Cause: | The Process Monitor process encountered a lock conflict while trying to recover processes. This is an internal error message not usually issued. | |
Action: | Contact customer support. | |
ORA-00602 internal programming exception
Cause: | An internal programming exception has occurred. | |
Action: | Report this error as a program bug to customer support. | |
ORA-00603 Oracle Server session terminated by fatal error
Cause: | An Oracle Server session is in an unrecoverable state. | |
Action: | Log in to Oracle again so a new server session will be created automatically. Examine the session trace file for more information. | |
ORA-00604 error occurred at recursive SQL level num
Cause: | An error occurred while processing a recursive SQL statement. A recursive SQL statement is one that applies to internal dictionary tables. | |
Action: | If the situation described in the next message on the stack can be corrected, do so; otherwise, contact customer support. | |
ORA-00606 internal error code
Cause: | A call to deferred UPI functions was made in non-deferred mode. | |
Action: | Contact customer support. | |