Oracle7 Server Application Developer's Guide

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Information in this Guide

As an application developer, you should learn about the many Oracle7 features that can ease application development and improve performance.

This Guide describes Oracle7 server features that relate to application development. This Guide does not cover the PL/SQL language, nor does it directly discuss application development on the client side. See the table of contents and Chapter 1 in this Guide for information about the material covered. Chapter 1 also points you to other Oracle documentation that contains related information.

Other Guides

Use the PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference to learn PL/SQL, and to get a complete description of this high-level programming language, which is Oracle Corporation's procedural extension to SQL.

The Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interface describes the Oracle Call Interface, which you can use to build third-generation language (3GL) applications that access Oracle. The OCI for release 7.3 incorporates many new capabilities. See the section ``Using the Oracle Call Interface'' [*] for more information about these new calls.

Oracle Corporation also provides the Pro* series of precompilers, which allow you to embed SQL and PL/SQL in your application programs. If you write 3GL application programs in Ada, C, C++, COBOL, or FORTRAN that incorporate embedded SQL, refer to the corresponding precompiler manual. For example, if you program in C or C++, refer to the Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Pro*C/C++ Precompiler.

Oracle Developer/2000 is a cooperative development environment that provides several tools including a form builder, reporting tools, and a debugging environment for PL/SQL. If you use Developer/2000, refer to the appropriate Tools documentation.

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