Oracle7 Server Application Developer's Guide

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Managing FOREIGN KEY Integrity Constraints

General information about defining, enabling, disabling, and dropping all types of integrity constraints is given in the previous sections. The following section supplements this information, focusing specifically on issues regarding FOREIGN KEY integrity constraints.

Defining FOREIGN KEY Integrity Constraints

The following topics are of interest when defining FOREIGN KEY integrity constraints.

Matching of Datatypes

When defining referential integrity constraints, the corresponding column names of the dependent and referenced tables do not need to match. However, they must be of the same datatype.

Composite Foreign Keys

Because foreign keys reference primary and unique keys of the parent table, and PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE key constraints are enforced using indexes, composite foreign keys are limited to 16 columns.

Implied Referencing of a Primary Key

If the column list is not included in the REFERENCES option when defining a FOREIGN KEY constraint (single column or composite), Oracle assumes that you intend to reference the primary key of the specified table. Alternatively, you can explicitly specify the column(s) to reference in the parent table within parentheses. Oracle automatically checks to verify that this column list references a primary or unique key of the parent table. If it does not, an informative error is returned.

Privileges Required for FOREIGN KEY Integrity Constraints

To create a FOREIGN KEY constraint, the creator of the constraint must have privileged access to both the parent and the child table.

In both cases, necessary privileges cannot be obtained via a role; they must be explicitly granted to the creator of the constraint.

These restrictions allow

Specifying Referential Actions for Foreign Keys

Oracle allows two different types of referential integrity actions to be enforced, as specified with the definition of a FOREIGN KEY constraint:

		CREATE TABLE emp (  
		   . . .,  
		   FOREIGN KEY (deptno) REFERENCES dept);

		CREATE TABLE emp (  		   . . .,  
		   FOREIGN KEY (deptno) REFERENCES dept  

Enabling FOREIGN KEY Integrity Constraints

FOREIGN KEY integrity constraints cannot be enabled if the referenced primary or unique key's constraint is not present or not enabled.

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