Oracle7 Server Application Developer's Guide

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Listing Information about Schema Objects

The data dictionary provides many views that provide information about the schema objects described in this chapter. The following is a summary of the views associated with schema objects:

The following sections provide examples of using some of the above views.

Example 1 Listing Different Schema Objects by Type

The following query lists all of the objects owned by the user issuing the query:

SELECT object_name, object_type FROM user_objects;

The query above might return results similar to the following:

------------------------- -------------------
EMP_DEPT                  CLUSTER
EMP                       TABLE
DEPT                      TABLE
PUBLIC_EMP                SYNONYM
EMP_MGR                   VIEW

Example 2 Listing Column Information

Column information, such as name, datatype, length, precision, scale, and default data values, can be listed using one of the views ending with the _COLUMNS suffix. For example, the following query lists all of the default column values for the EMP and DEPT tables:

SELECT table_name, column_name, data_default
    FROM user_tab_columns
    WHERE table_name = 'DEPT' OR table_name = 'EMP';

Considering the example statements at the beginning of this section, a display similar to the one below is displayed:

----------  --------------- --------------------
DEPT        LOC             ('NEW YORK')
EMP         EMPNO
EMP         ENAME
EMP         JOB
EMP         MGR
EMP         HIREDATE        (sysdate)
EMP         SAL
EMP         COMM
EMP         DEPTNO

Notice that not all columns have a user-specified default. These columns assume NULL when rows that do not specify values for these columns are inserted.

Example 3 Listing Dependencies of Views and Synonyms

When you create a view or a synonym, the view or synonym is based on its underlying base object. The _DEPENDENCIES data dictionary views can be used to reveal the dependencies for a view and the _SYNONYMS data dictionary views can be used to list the base object of a synonym. For example, the following query lists the base objects for the synonyms created by the user JWARD:

SELECT table_owner, table_name
   FROM all_synonyms
   WHERE owner = 'JWARD';

This query might return information similar to the following:

TABLE_OWNER                    TABLE_NAME
------------------------------ ------------
SCOTT                          DEPT
SCOTT                          EMP

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