Oracle Enterprise Manager Installation Guide
Setting up TopSessions
In order to run the TopSessions Monitor, you will need to create additional tables and views on each database you want to connect to from TopSessions. In addition, certain SELECT privileges must be granted.
The SMPTSI7x.SQL scripts have been provided to help automate this process. The scripts for each database version are located in the ORANT\SYSMAN\ADMIN\RDMS7x directories.
To set up the TopSessions Monitor for a database:
1. From the Oracle Enterprise Manager program group, double-click on the SQL Worksheet icon to launch the tool. For information on starting Oracle Enterprise Manager and tools, see "Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager"
2. Using the Login Information dialog box to connect to the managed database. See "Login Information"
3. Grant SELECT ANY TABLE privileges to each administrator account. This step may be omitted if the account has already been granted the same privileges as SYSTEM.
Attention: For an example of how to run a SQL script or enter a SQL command with SQL Worksheet, refer to "Setting up the Repository"
4. Run the SMPTSI7X.SQL script for the managed database.
Attention: If the SMPTSI7x.SQL script is not run on a managed database, you may see a "Table or View does not exist" message when you try to use the TopSessions Monitor.