Factbook fields with Rank Order
pages are easily identified with a small bar chart icon to the
right of the data field title. 
Not all Rank Order pages include the same number of entries because
information for a particular field is not available for all countries.
In addition, not all data fields are suitable for displaying as
Rank Order pages, such as those containing textual information. Textual
information is more readily viewed by clicking on the Field Listing
to the Data field title. The other icon next to the data field
title provides the definition of the field.
All of the ‘Rank Order’ pages can be downloaded as tab-delimited
data files and can be opened in other applications such as spreadsheets
and databases. To save a Rank Order page in a spreadsheet, first click
on the ‘Download Datafile’ choice above the Rank Order
page you selected; then, at the top of your browser window, click
on 'File' and 'Save As'. After saving the file, open the spreadsheet,
find the saved file, and 'Open' it.
Additional Rank Order pages being considered for future updates of
the Factbook Web site include:
Median age
Population below the poverty line