ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ Legend ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[+] New feature
[-] Feature obsoleted
[!] Bug fixed
[*] Available for registered users only
[%] Changed
[?] Temporary bugs/changes
[i] Info

ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ History ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
ħħħ 0.07/Beta 17-Jun-96 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[i] First public beta
[+] Total statistics: *.STT
[+] Summary statistics: *.STA
[+] Busy graphic: *.STG

ħħħ 0.13/Beta 03-Jul-96 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[+] Switch '-L' - T-MAIL.LNG of T-Mail 2599+

ħħħ 0.14/Beta 05-Jul-96 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[+] *.PKT support
[+] Register keys

ħħħ 0.17/Beta 06-Aug-96 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] Major bug fixed in *.LNG file support
[+] Uploaded/downloaded files list: *.STF
[+] Switch '-H[A][N][T][F][-]' - hide files with 'A'rcmail, 'N'etmail,
    'T'ic,  'F'iles  and  count  only  its  summary  size.  ATTENTION:
    filenames  accumulating  in  binary statistics (*.ST-) You can use
    '-H'  switch  to  disable  this  feature. By default using '-HANT'
    switch. '-H-' switch enables to list all transfered files w/o type

ħħħ 0.18/Beta-1 04-Oct-96 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] '-Z' switch bug
[+] Min/Max Cps in summary
[+] External freqs support
[%] Total and Summary sizes format
[%] Default log language is 2599i-based now
[-] '-R' switch
[%] '-P' syntax expanded to absoleted '-R' switch parameters

ħħħ 0.19/Beta-1 13-Oct-97 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] Midnight processing
[!] New year processing
[!] Full pathname processing
[%] Non-standard (ZyXEL like) modem answers support
[%] *.?ut, *.xma files processes as netmail now
[%] Hydra detection corrected
[%] External freq processor detection corrected
[+] Multiline feature
[+] Aliases.Ctl support with 2603+
[?] Runtime error 216 at 0001FC87 after normal shutdown OS/2 version
[?] While 'Statistics' keyword commented out screen output distort
[-] All command line switches, excluding '-P'
[+] New command line switches:
    -S- external logfile definition
    -L- external *.LNG file definition
    -G[W][R]      - 'W'ide/'R'educed busy graphic format
[*] -N      - generating statistics only for single task
    -Q            - packing to *.PKT existing statistics files
    -H, -?        - brief help

ħħħ 0.19/Beta-2 21-Oct-97 (bugfix) ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] Slash in areatags
[!] Incomplete type 2+ packets
[!] Runtime error 216 after shutdown OS/2 version (thanks Jef)
[!] Warnings on .ctl errors
[!] 'Summary' keyword options
[!] 'Statistics' & 'Postfiles' keywords action
[!] Prevent 'strange' addresses in reports
[!] Multiline mode fixes
[!] Longtime waiting with no files to report
[!] Summary sizes with 2G+ traffic
[!] Periods like 1,23:00-9:00
[%] Attempting to create missing logfiles instead of fatal exit
[%] Main aka detection corrected with 'Share' calls
[+] 'Space' option in 'Graphic' keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)
[-] -Q switch

ħħħ 0.19/Beta-3 29-Oct-97 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] Processing zero-length logs in OS/2 version
[!] Address group handling
[!] Tasks data override
[!] Message attributes
[!] Address mixing with non-standard calling lines
[!] External runs inside session
[+] 'Kill' option (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] Optional packet password in 'ToPKT' keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] -C - alternative control file definition

ħħħ 0.19/Beta-4 02-Jan-98 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] MSGID generation in DOS version
[!] Aliases addresses detection
[!] Msg date with greater than 1999 year
[!] New year processing again
[%] -N switches off 'Multiline' mode
[%] Free logfiles is not including to 'Multiline' graphic
[+] Missing logfiles warning
[+] -M - Switch to 'Multiline' mode
[+] -Q - Disable poster section

ħħħ 0.19/Beta-5 28-Feb-98 ħħħħħħħ In memory of Alexandr Pavlov ħħħħħħħ
[!] -C parsing error
[!] MSGID/SEEN-BY addresses
[!] MSGID algorithm
[!] Packet part size longer 32k
[!] Tasks parsing
[!] 'Nodes' in multiline mode
[!] File transfer direction in filelist report
[%] Maximum address print length is 16 chrs now
[%] Maximum aliases count changed to 512
[%] Default log language is 2604-based English now
[%] 'Postfiles' defaults after registering
[+] 'Output' keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] 'Charset' keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] 'Tearline' keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)

ħħħ 0.19/Beta-6 15-Mar-98 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] Full pathname processing again
[!] Incorrect calls
[%] Non-standard (ZyXEL like) modem answers support corrected
[+] CPS statistics: *.STC
[+] 'CPS' keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] 'CPS' option with 'Statistics' and 'Postfiles' keywords: including
    CPS statistics to appropriate report (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] '4D' option with 'Aliases' keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)

ħħħ 0.20 15-Apr-98 (release) ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] 'CPS' keyword parsing
[!] 'Output' to root directory
[!] 'FromMsgId' default was empty instead of 'FromPKT' address
[!] Aliases addresses detection
[!] Save zero events
[!] Compiling T-LAN.CTL
[+] 'Restoring from crash' support
[+] '@PID', '@LongPID' and '@Date' macroses is available in T-LAN.CTL

ħħħ 0.21 26-Apr-98 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] INTL kludge with 'Aliases' keyword w/o '4D'
[+] 'Flag' keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)

ħħħ 0.22 12-May-98 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] SEEN-BY kludge with 'Aliases' keyword w/o '4D'
[!] Stations counter in 'Summary' report
[!] Attempting to create flag w/o defined 'Flag' keyword
[%] Multiply flags definition  in  'Flag'  keyword (separated by space
    character) available
[%] T-LAN.LNG structure
[%] 'Postfiles' options are sequence sensitive
[%] 'Postfiles' default changed to 'Continuous,Graphic,Summary'

ħħħ 0.23 23-May-98 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] Incoming calls with failures
[%] T-LAN.LNG structure
[%] Registering procedure and keys
[+] 'RegisterName' keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] T-LAN Decoder 1.0 included to package for decoding received keys
[+] T-LAN023.CTL included to package: differences since 0.20 release

ħħħ 0.24 06-Jun-98 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] Try to erase opened packet in some cases
[!] Erasing reports only after its posting
[!] External runs before address list
[!] External runs loss
[!] Stations counter in 'Summary' report
[!] Runtime error 216 with zero length T-LAN.KEY in OS/2 version
[%] *.STC format
[+] Seventh character added to 'CharSet' string for 'CPS' graphic
[+] 'Max',  'Avg',  'Min', 'Addr' and 'Reverse'  sort options of 'CPS'
    keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)

ħħħ 0.25 17-Jun-98 (release) ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[i] Birthday of T-LAN project: two years old
[i] Welcome to T-LAN Official Home Page at http://riddle.spb.ru
[!] Several fixes in 'CPS' graphic
[!] Simple external runs
[!] Broken *.PKT if nothing to post
[%] Internal optimization
[+] OS/2 only. 'Top' option of 'CPS' keyword: make 'Top 10' statistics
    instead of 'Graphic' (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] -Z[T][S] command line switch:  make all sessions in 'T'otal and/or
    'S'ummary reports seems like protected (paranoic mode :)
[+] 'Protected'  option  of  'Total'  and 'Summary' keyword. Works the
    same as -Z switch (see T-LAN.CTL)

ħħħ 0.26 26-Jul-98 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[i] T-LAN is a shareware now (see REGISTER.XSU)
[?] Ignoring comment character (';') w/o leading space
[?] Disk space calculating under NT4 and space greater 1G
[!] Overwrite existing *.PKT instead of append
[!] Trying to erase nonexistent report
[!] 'Protected' option of 'Total' keyword
[!] *.STC in case of failures w/o sessions or greater than 99 nodes
[-] AKAMatching support
[-] German .CTL and .DOK files support
[%] Internal optimization
[%] 'Top' option of 'CPS' keyword works both in DOS and OS/2 versions
[+] T-Mail 2605 TCP/IP connections support
[+] External mailers support
[+] Support of running BBS by exiting mode
[+] Disk space usage statistics: *.STD
[+] 'Disk' keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] 'Disk' option with 'Statistics' and 'Postfiles' keywords: includes
    disk usage statistics to appropriate report (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] Eighth character added to 'CharSet' string for 'Disk' report
[+] SysOp info: *.STS
[+] Mailers statistics: *.STM
[+] 'Info' and 'TwitInfo' keywords (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] 'SysOp'  and  'Mailer'  options  with 'Statistics' and 'Postfiles'
    keywords: includes sysop info and mailer statistics to appropriate
    report (see T-LAN.CTL)

ħħħ 0.26a 27-Jul-98 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] TwitInfo
[!] Runtime error 200 while reporting in some cases
[!] Runtime error 005 while posting in some cases

ħħħ 0.27 08-Aug-98 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] *.STC with greater 256 lines
[!] Processing 'TwitInfo' substrings with control characters
[!] Drive sizes greater 2G under Win95/98
[!] Packet garbage if zero character present in volume label
[%] 'Summary' is not now necessary for 'SysOp', 'Mailer' and 'CPS'
[%] *.STD format
[*] 'TwitInfo' keyword is now available for registered users only
[%] 'TwitInfo' syntax enhanced (see T-LAN.CTL)
[-] 'Info' keyword
[-] 'Kill' option of every keyword
[+] 'Kill' keyword with options of every keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] Macroses: @UpTime (OS/2 version only) and @OS
[+] 'Used' and 'Free' options of 'Disk' keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)

ħħħ 0.28 03-Sep-98 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] Nondefault 'CPS' parameters
[!] Drive sizes under DOS 7.xx
[%] Registering procedure and keys
[%] 'RegisterName' is now available for unregistered users too
[%] 'TwitInfo' default set to ',-1'
[%] 'T-Log' keyword syntax enhanced for log cutter (see T-LAN.CTL)
[*] 'T-Hist'  keyword defines T-Hist.$?? file name of 2603+ format for
    log cutter (see T-LAN.CTL)
[-] 'Continuous' option of 'PostFiles' keyword
[+] 'SysOp' keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] 'PostFiles'  options  separator '+' for continuous message posting
    (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] T-LAN Decoder 2.0 included to package for decoding received keys

ħħħ 0.29 23-Sep-98 (release candidate) ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] 'RegisterName' action
[!] Fixed default output directory bug in multiline mode
[!] Runtime errors 200 and 207 while reporting in some cases
[%] 'T-Log' keyword syntax enhanced for daily cutting (see T-LAN.CTL)
[%] String  'All' in list of 'Nodes' keyword parameters now represents
    '*:*/*.*'  instead  of  warning message, for more compability with
    T-Mail addresses agreement
[%] Disk report sizes preview: was '131,072K', now '131,072M'
[%] Memory requirements: 310K (DOS) and 432K (OS/2)
[%] Maximum aliases count is 500
[%] Mailer field width of 'SysOp' report
[*] Now  you  can list task numbers with -N switch.  In case of single
    task definition T-LAN switches off Multiline mode (if defined)
[+] 'Skip' option of 'Graphic' keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)

ħħħ 0.30 20-Oct-98 (release) ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] Main aka detection with 'Share' calls
[!] Runtime error 200 with converted G.P.Mail logs and Filelist report
[!] Disk space calculation for network drives
[!] Drive sizes greater 2G of 'Disk' report in OS/2 version
[%] Message part size limits for DOS and OS/2 versions
[+] G.P.Mail logs support

ħħħ 0.31 13-Nov-98 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[i] For registered users only
[!] Bug with 'Handshake failure' detection
[!] 'Handshake failure' detection after already detected node address
[!] Old bug with exiting in the middle of the session.  Something with
    BBS starting was fixed, too..
[!] A bug, which could cause T-LAN to hang, when reading t-mail.lng
[!] 'Failures' value in *.STG
[!] Incorrect position calculation in log, when shortening by date
[!] G.P.Mail: BBS detection added, 'External' support removed
[%] Optimized working with T-LAN.LNG (-2K of code)
[%] Cosmetic fixes (like starting with '-?' command line switch)
[%] Information, written to T-LAN.LOG, when shortening logs
[%] G.P.Mail: only needed modem responses are processed
[%] G.P.Mail:  off  hook  without  connect is processed as  'Handshake
    failure' (T-Mail can't log this)
[+] Download counter
[+] 'DirList', 'ZeroCounter' ¨ 'IgnoreFiles' keywords (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] 'CutLog' keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] G.P.Mail: detection of FTS-1 sessions & Xmodem
[+] Demo  key,  that  activates Poster and Download counter support is
    available for FREQ (alias T-LANKEY) at 2:5030/818@fidonet

ħħħ 0.32 17-Feb-99 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[i] For registered users only
[i] binkd: sum of maxclients and maxservers must be equal or less 254.
    If anybody wants more - please mail me :)
[i] binkd: in some cases T-LAN can't process sessions, but writes info
    about it before exit
[!] Broken packets if reports for posting are not found
[!] Broken packets if length of 'From', 'To' or 'Subj' field more then
    maximum possible
[!] 'CutLog' keyword parameters
[!] Displaying warning if numeric parameter is equal to -1
[!] Exiting with opened packet in case of no reports to post
[!] In summary report min. & max. cps truncate to 4 characters
[!] Incorrect needed available memory prognosis
[!] MSGID algorithm
[!] No files in 'Filelist' report with !
[!] Processing logs with end of some event at the beginning
[!] Several errors with 'handshake failure' handling
[!] Stack overflow with large logs
[!] Shortens logs with new year inside ;)
[!] Word overflow in 'Summary' reports of DOS version
[!] G.P.Mail: skip and refuse handle
[!] G.P.Mail: parasite skip in Filelist report
[!] G.P.Mail: detection of various ZModems
[!] G.P.Mail: log analyser failed to work,  if external T-MAIL.LNG was
[%] WARNING: 'T-Log' directive changed to 'Log'
[%] WARNING: 'Log' directive changed to 'SelfLog'
[%] Algorithm of skipped files detection
[%] Busy diagram is now beginning with first 'Period' value
[%] CPS diagram is now independed from random CPS "splashes"
[%] Sorting *.stm in alphabetical order in case of equal mailers count
[%] Some interface changes
[%] Three protocols added in 'Total' statistics header
[%] Timer handling optimized
[%] G.P.Mail: some changes in logs handling
[-] G.P.Mail: logs hadling removed from DOS version
[+] binkd logs support
[+] 'BackupDir' keyword (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] 'FileList'  keyword  parameters:  'HidePKT', 'HideARC', 'HideTic', 'HideFiles', 'HideSkipped' and 'SizeFiles' (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] 'Log'  keyword  parameters:  'RenExt',  'RenLog' and 'Backup' (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] Optional FSC-0046 PID compatibility (-DF command line parameter)
[+] G.P.Mail: support for ExternMail

ħħħ 0.33 01-Jun-99 (release) ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[i] Freeware non-commercial version
[-] Registration keys is now obsolete
[+] Acorp modem answers support

ħħħ 0.34/Beta-1 11-Aug-99 ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[!] Aliases in kludges instead of real addresses
[!] External mailer recognizing of incoming sessions
[!] 'Skip' parameter action of 'Graphic' keyword
[!] Negative '@Uptime' after about 25 days OS/2 running
[%] Outgoing calls with external mailers now handle as External, not as
    separate addresses
[%] 'TwitInfo' syntax enhanced (see T-LAN.CTL)
[+] Report templates and 'Templates' keyword (see T-LAN.CTL).  Archive
    now contains appropriate templates.  WARNING: now  T-LAN  does not
    work without templates!
[+] G.P.Mail: external mailer recognizing

ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ Known bugs list ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ
[?] Building Filelist with large log may cause T-LAN to hang 
[?] Ignoring comment character (';') w/o leading space
[?] Disk space calculating under NT4 and space greater 1G