Oracle7 Server Messages

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00600-00619: Errors Occurring During the Load

SQL*Loader-600 specified max. bind size num bytes must be num bytes to hold 1 row

Cause:The space needed to contain a single row is longer than the specified bind size.
Action:One solution is to increase the amount of space allowed for the bind array, using the BINDSIZE keyword on the command line or in the OPTIONS statement in the control file.

SQL*Loader-601 for INSERT option, table must be empty. error on name

Cause:A non-empty table is being loaded with the INSERT option.
Action:Use the REPLACE keyword to empty the old table and store the new data in its place. Use the APPEND keyword to leave the table's contents intact and add the new data to it.
SQL*Loader-602 maximum converted length num of column is too big for bind array

Cause:The named column cannot undergo the specified character set conversion and still be placed in a contiguous piece of memory on the system.
Action:Specify a shorter data column or eliminate the conversion.
SQL*Loader-603 maximum length num of column is too big for bind array

Cause:The named column cannot be put in a contiguous piece of memory on the system.
Action:Specify a shorter data column.
SQL*Loader-604 error occurred on an attempt to commit

Cause:An error occurred while trying to commit changes to the database.
Action:Look at the message listed below this one in the log file for more information.
SQL*Loader-605 non-data dependent Oracle error occurred load discontinued

Cause:An error occurred that is independent of the data. For example, an out-of-space condition. Because all further rows will be rejected, the load is discontinued. (If the error were data dependent, then other rows might succeed.)
Action:See the errors below this one in the log file for more information.
SQL*Loader-606 synonym name refers to an object on a remote database

Cause:The synonym specified in the INTO TABLE clause in the SQL*Loader control file specifies a remote object via a database link. Only a synonym for an existing local table can be specified in the INTO TABLE clause.
Action:Ensure that a local table name or a synonym for a local table is fully specified in the INTO TABLE clause. The table must already exist.

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