Oracle7 Server Messages

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01500-01699: Oracle Commands

ORA-01500 failure in getting date/time

Cause:In executing a CREATE DATABASE or ALTER TABLESPACE statement, there was a failure in getting the date and time.
Action:Contact customer support.

Cause:An error occurred while executing the CREATE DATABASE statement.
Action:Refer to the diagnostic information in the accompanying message stack.
ORA-01502 index is in direct load state

Cause:The specified index was marked invalid by a direct load.
Action:Drop the specified index.

Cause:An error occurred during CREATE CONTROLFILE.
Action:See accompanying messages.
ORA-01504 database name name does not match parameter DB_NAME str

Cause:The name in a CREATE DATABASE or START UP command does not match the name given in the initialization parameter DB_NAME.
Action:Determine which name is correct, then resubmit the command after correcting the name in the appropriate place.
ORA-01505 error in adding log files

Cause:In executing a CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE statement, an error occurred when adding new redo log files. The user issuing the command must CONNECT INTERNAL. The database must be mounted but closed in order to add redo log files.
Action:Check the accompanying message stack for detailed information and ensure that the session is connected as INTERNAL with the database mounted but closed.
ORA-01506 missing or illegal database name

Cause:No database name was specified in the ALTER DATABASE statement, nor was the initialization parameter DB_NAME specified.
Action:The database name must be given either in the ALTER DATABASE statement or as the value for the initialization parameter DB_NAME. Note that the SQL*DBA command START UP issues an ALTER DATABASE statement using the database name, if any, specified as part of START UP.
ORA-01507 database not mounted

Cause:An ALTER DATABASE statement specified the name of a database to alter, but no database is currently mounted.
Action:If issuing an ALTER DATABASE command via the SQL*DBA START UP command, specify the MOUNT option. If directly issuing an ALTER DATABASE DISMOUNT command, do nothing. Otherwise, reissue the ALTER DATABASE command specifying the MOUNT option.
ORA-01508 cannot create database; error in file name at line num

Cause:A CREATE DATABASE statement was unable to process the named file because an error occurred at the given line number.
Action:Check the offending line in the specified file, correct the error, then re-execute the CREATE DATABASE statement. If the error is in an Oracle-supplied file, contact customer support.
ORA-01509 specified name name does not match actual name

Cause:The database name specified in an ALTER DATABASE statement does not match the name of the currently mounted database.
Action:Correct the database name spelling or DISMOUNT the mounted database.
ORA-01510 error in deleting log files

Cause:In executing an ALTER DATABASE statement, an error occurred while dropping redo log files.
Action:Check the accompanying message stack for detailed information.
ORA-01511 error in renaming log/datafiles

Cause:In executing an ALTER DATABASE statement, an error occurred while renaming log or datafiles.
Action:Check the accompanying message stack for detailed information.
ORA-01512 error renaming log file name - new file name not found

Cause:An attempt to change a redo log file's name in the control file failed because no file was found with the new name.
Action:Check that the redo log file has been properly renamed by the operating system and retry.
ORA-01513 invalid current time returned by operating system

Cause:The operating system returned a time that was not between the years 1988 and 2121.
Action:Correct the time kept by the operating system.
ORA-01514 error in log specification; no such log

Cause:A redo log filename or list of member names did not correspond to an existing redo log file.
Action:Specify the name of an existing redo log file, check the spelling and capitalization of the names, and then re-execute the statement.
ORA-01515 error dropping log group num: no such log

Cause:An attempt was made to drop a redo log file that does not exist.
Action:Specify the name of an existing redo log file, then issue the statement again.
ORA-01516 nonexistent log/datafile name

Cause:An ALTER DATABASE statement is attempting to rename a log file or a datafile that is not known to the database control file.
Action:Specify the name of an existing redo log file, then re-execute the statement.
ORA-01517 log member: str

Cause:This message indicates the filename involved with other messages.
Action:See the accompanying messages and take appropriate action.
ORA-01518 CREATE DATABASE must specify more than one log file

Cause:Only one redo log file was specified in the CREATE DATABASE statement.
Action:Specify at least two redo log files, then re-execute the statement.
ORA-01519 error while processing file name near line num

Cause:A CREATE DATABASE statement encountered a problem while processing the named file, probably because of a system installation error.
Action:Try the system installation procedure again or contact customer support. See also your operating system-specific Oracle documentation.
ORA-01520 number of datafiles to add num exceeds limit of num

Cause:A CREATE TABLESPACE statement specifies more files than are permitted for this database.
Action:Use fewer files. To exceed the limit, recreate the database with a larger value of MAXDATAFILES.
ORA-01521 error in adding datafiles

Cause:During a CREATE or ALTER TABLESPACE, an error was detected while adding datafiles.
Action:Check the accompanying message stack for detailed information.
ORA-01522 file name to be renamed does not exist

Cause:During an ALTER TABLESPACE RENAME, a file to be renamed was not found in the database control file.
Action:Specify the correct filename, then re-execute the statement.
ORA-01523 cannot rename datafile to name - file already part of database

Cause:During an ALTER DATABASE RENAME or ALTER TABLESPACE RENAME, the new name of a file is already present in the control file.
Action:Rename the file to a name not already in use as part of the database.
ORA-01524 cannot create datafile as name - file already part of database

Cause:During an ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE, the new name of a file is already present in the control file.
Action:Use a name that is not already in use in the database.
ORA-01525 error in renaming datafiles

Cause:An error occurred when renaming files as part of ALTER TABLESPACE.
Action:Check the accompanying message stack for detailed information. All files were renamed except those mentioned in the message stack.
ORA-01526 error in opening file name

Cause:A CREATE DATABASE was not able to open the file identified in the message. This is probably due to a system installation error.
Action:Try the system installation procedure again or contact customer support. See also your operating system-specific Oracle documentation.
ORA-01527 error while reading file

Cause:A CREATE DATABASE statement was not able to read the specified file, probably because of a system installation error.
Action:Try the system installation procedure again or contact customer support. See also your operating system-specific Oracle documentation.
ORA-01528 EOF while processing SQL statement

Cause:A CREATE DATABASE statement unexpectedly encountered an end-of-file marker while reading the specified file, probably because of a system installation error.
Action:Try the system installation procedure again or contact customer support. See also your operating system-specific Oracle documentation.
ORA-01529 error closing file name

Cause:A CREATE DATABASE was not able to close the file identified in the message.
Action:Try the system installation procedure again or contact customer support. See also your operating system-specific Oracle documentation.
ORA-01530 a database already mounted by the instance

Cause:During an ALTER DATABASE MOUNT, an attempt was made to mount a database by an instance for which there is already a mounted database.
Action:To mount the database, shut down the instance, then start up the instance and try the operation again.
ORA-01531 a database already open by the instance

Cause:During an ALTER DATABASE, an attempt was made to open a database by an instance for which there was already an open database.
Action:To open a new database, shut down the instance, then start up the instance and try the operation again.
ORA-01532 cannot create database; instance being started elsewhere

Cause:During a CREATE DATABASE, another user appears to be simultaneously starting the instance.
Action:Retry the operation. If the error recurs, contact customer support.
ORA-01533 cannot rename file name; file does not belong to tablespace

Cause:During an ALTER TABLESPACE RENAME, a file to be renamed was not found in the named tablespace.
Action:Check syntax and spelling and correctly specify the filename and tablespace name.
ORA-01534 rollback segment name doesn't exist

Cause:During an ALTER or DROP ROLLBACK SEGMENT, the specified rollback segment name was not found.
Action:Correct syntax and spelling and correctly specify the rollback segment name or specify a different rollback segment.
ORA-01535 rollback segment name already exists

Cause:During a CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT, the specified rollback segment was found to exist already.
Action:Correct syntax and spelling and correctly specify the rollback segment name or specify a different rollback segment.
ORA-01536 space quota exceeded for tablespace "name"

Cause:The space quota in the tablespace is already used up and the operation attempted the creation of a new extent in the tablespace.

ORA-01537 cannot add datafile name - file already part of database

Cause:During a CREATE or ALTER TABLESPACE, a file being added is already part of the database.
Action:Correct spelling of the datafile name or use a different file.
ORA-01538 failed to acquire any rollback segment

Cause:An instance failed to acquire the SYSTEM rollback segment, or an instance failed to acquire one rollback segment in addition to the SYSTEM rollback segment during start up in parallel mode.
Action:Check that the SYSTEM rollback segment is available. Before starting an instance in parallel mode, either create one more public rollback segment or specify an available private rollback segment in the initialization parameter ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS.
ORA-01539 tablespace "name" is not online

Cause:An attempt was made to bring a tablespace off line normally, but it is not online.
Action:Check the status of the tablespace. Use IMMEDIATE or TEMPORARY options to force all files off line. Also, the database must be in ARCHIVELOG mode.
ORA-01540 tablespace "name" is not offline

Cause:A tablespace could not be brought online or made read-only because it is not offline.
Action:Check the status of the tablespace, then retry the operation. You can also use the options IMMEDIATE or TEMPORARY to force all files offline. If your intention is to make the file read-only, bring the tablespace online first.
ORA-01541 system tablespace cannot be brought offline; shut down if necessary

Cause:An attempt was made to bring tablespace SYSTEM offline.
Action:Do not attempt to take the tablespace SYSTEM offline because it must always be online. Shut down if necessary to do a recovery.
ORA-01542 tablespace "name" is offline, cannot allocate space in it

Cause:An attempt was made to allocate space in an offline tablespace.
Action:Bring the tablespace online or create the object in another tablespace.
ORA-01543 tablespace "name" already exists

Cause:An attempt was made to create a tablespace that already exists.

Action:Use a different name for the new tablespace.
ORA-01544 cannot drop system rollback segment

Cause:An attempt was made to drop the rollback segment SYSTEM.
Action:No action required.
ORA-01545 rollback segment "name" specified not available


ORA-01546 tablespace contains active rollback segment "name"

Cause:You tried to bring offline or make read-only a tablespace that contains active rollback segments.
Action:Shut down the instances that use the active rollback segments in the tablespace. Then bring it offline or make it read-only.
ORA-01548 active rollback segment "name" found, terminate dropping tablespace

Cause:An attempt was made to drop a tablespace that contains active rollback segments.
Action:Shut down instances that use the active rollback segments in the tablespace and then drop the tablespace.
ORA-01549 tablespace not empty, use INCLUDING CONTENTS option

Cause:An attempt was made to drop a non-empty tablespace.
Action:To drop all the objects in the tablespace, use the INCLUDING CONTENTS option with DROP TABLESPACE.
ORA-01550 cannot drop system tablespace

Cause:An attempt was made to drop the tablespace SYSTEM.
Action:No action required.
ORA-01551 extended rollback segment, pinned blocks released

Cause:This is an internal error message not normally issued.
Action:Contact customer support.
ORA-01552 cannot use system rollback segment for non-system tablespace "name"

Cause:An attempt was made to use the SYSTEM rollback segment for operations involving a non-system tablespace.
Action:Create one or more rollback segments and then use ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT 'name' online. It may be necessary to modify the initialization parameter ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS to acquire one of the new private rollback segments. Before creating a rollback segment outside the SYSTEM tablespace, it is necessary to first create and activate a non-system rollback segment in the SYSTEM tablespace.
ORA-01553 MAXEXTENTS must be no smaller than the num extents currently allocated

Cause:The number of extents allocated is greater than the MAXEXTENTS specified.
Action:Specify a larger MAXEXTENTS value.
ORA-01554 out of transaction slots in transaction tables

Cause:There were too many concurrent transactions.
Action:Shut down Oracle, modify initialization parameters TRANSACTIONS and ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS, then restart Oracle. The TRANSACTIONS parameter must be high enough to handle any possible rollbacks.
ORA-01555 snapshot too old (rollback segment too small)

Cause:One of the following:

Action:For the above causes:
ORA-01556 MINEXTENTS for rollback segment must be greater than 1

Cause:A MINEXTENTS of less than two was specified for rollback segment.
Action:Specify a larger MINEXTENTS.
ORA-01557 rollback segment extents must be at least num blocks

Cause:An extent of less than num blocks was specified for the rollback segment.
Action:Specify extents of at least num blocks, then retry the operation.

ORA-01558 out of transaction ID's in rollback segment num

Cause:All the available transaction IDs have been used.
Action:Shut down the instance, restart it using another rollback segment, then drop the rollback segment that has no more transaction IDs.
ORA-01559 MAXEXTENTS for rollback segment must be greater than 1

Cause:An invalid value for MAXEXTENTS was specified; the value must be greater than 1.
Action:Specify a MAXEXTENTS value of at least 2 and try again.
ORA-01560 global hash table size mismatch for GC_name (num != num)

Cause:This message is only relevant for systems running the Parallel Server and occurs at instance start up. The value of the GC_name initialization parameter does not match that of an instance already mounted.
Action:Ensure correct initialization parameter files are being used. If necessary, modify the GC_name parameter in the offending initialization files, then shut down and restart those instances with corrected initialization parameter files.
ORA-01561 failed to remove all objects in the tablespace specified

Cause:A user failed to remove all objects when dropping a tablespace.
Action:Repeat DROP TABLESPACE until all objects have been dropped.
ORA-01562 failed to extend rollback segment ID = num

Cause:A failure occurred while trying to extend the rollback segment. The problem is usually lack of space in the database to extend the rollback segment.
Action:This is usually followed by another message stating the cause of the failure. Shut down and take appropriate action for the error that caused the failure. If no other messages follow this message, the cause is probably lack of space in the database.
ORA-01563 rollback segment is PUBLIC, need to use the keyword PUBLIC

Cause:The keyword PUBLIC was not used to identify a public rollback segment.
Action:Use the keyword PUBLIC when identifying a public rollback segment.
ORA-01564 rollback segment is not PUBLIC

Cause:The identified rollback segment is not public.
Action:Do not use the keyword PUBLIC when identifying a private rollback segment.
ORA-01565 error in identifying file name

Cause:An error occurred while trying to identify a file.
Action:Check the accompanying message stack for detailed information.
ORA-01566 file specified more than once in DROP LOGFILE

Cause:For an ALTER DATABASE, the list of files for the DROP LOGFILE option contains at least one duplicate.
Action:Remove the duplicate file specification, then re-execute the statement.
ORA-01567 dropping log name would leave less than two log files in thread num

Cause:Dropping all the files specified would leave fewer than the required two redo log files. It may be possible to clear the log rather than drop it.
Action:Either drop fewer logs or disable the thread before deleting the logs.
ORA-01568 cannot set space quota on PUBLIC

Cause:An attempt was made to set a space quota for PUBLIC on a tablespace.
Action:To grant system-wide or tablespace-wide space privileges to all users, use the statement


ORA-01569 datafile too small for system dictionary tables

Cause:The datafile specified during creation of the database is too small to hold the system dictionary tables.
Action:Re-create the database specifying a larger file or more files.
ORA-01570 MINEXTENTS must be no larger than the num extents currently allocated

Cause:The number of extents already allocated is smaller than the MINEXTENTS specified in the command.
Action:Enter the command again specifying the number of extents given in the message as the value for MINEXTENTS.
ORA-01571 redo version num incompatible with Oracle Version num

Cause:This software version cannot read the current redo logs. Either crash recovery is required or there are offline database files that need media recovery. If a filename is listed then it needs media recovery.
Action:Shut down and start up using the compatible software. Do any required media recovery and open the database. Shut down and then start up using current software. If the file is going to be dropped, then take it offline with the DROP option to skip this check.
ORA-01572 global hash table size num for rollback segments is too small for rollback segment ID num

Cause:An operation requested a resource that was unavailable. On a Parallel Server system, the maximum number of systemwide rollback segments is specified by the GC_ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS parameter. When this maximum is reached, no more requests are processed.
Action:Use fewer rollback segments or increase the initialization parameter GC_ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS to a number greater than rollback segment ID num in every initialization parameter file of the Parallel Server. This change will not take effect until Oracle is shut down and restarted.
ORA-01573 shutting down instance, no further change allowed

Cause:A process attempted to make changes while the database was being shut down.
Action:No action required.
ORA-01574 maximum number of concurrent transactions exceeded

Cause:An operation requested a resource that was unavailable. The maximum number of concurrent transactions is specified by the TRANSACTIONS initialization parameter. When this maximum is reached, no more requests are processed.
Action:Try the request again later or increase the TRANSACTIONS parameter in the initialization parameter file. This change will not take effect until Oracle is shut down and restarted.
ORA-01575 time-out waiting for space management resource

Cause:The system timed out before it could acquire the necessary resources to do space management.
Action:Wait a few minutes, then retry the operation.
ORA-01576 instance locking protocol version num incompatible with Oracle Version num

Cause:The version of Oracle is incompatible with the given locking protocol version.
Action:Upgrade the version of Oracle used to start up instances so that they use a compatible locking protocol.
ORA-01577 cannot add log file name - file already part of database

Cause:While executing a CREATE or ALTER DATABASE statement, a file being added was found to already exist on the database.
Action:Check syntax and spelling, specify a valid filename, and try again.
ORA-01578 Oracle data block corrupted (file # num, block # num)

Cause:The given data block was corrupted, probably due to program errors.
Action:Try to restore the segment containing the given data block. This may involve dropping the segment and recreating it. If there is a trace file, report the messages recorded in it to customer support.
ORA-01579 write error occurred during recovery

Cause:A write error occurred during media recovery.
Action:Check the trace file for the type of the write error, then take appropriate action.
ORA-01580 error creating control backup file name

Cause:An operating system error occurred while attempting to create the referenced control file for backup.
Action:Check the accompanying message stack for detailed information, then take appropriate action.
ORA-01581 attempt to use rollback segment name new extent name which is being allocated

Cause:Undo generated to extend a rollback segment run out of current undo block space and is attempting to write into the new extent, which has not been completely allocated.
Action:The rollback segment extending itself will be rollbacked by the system. No more extension will be possible until the next extent is freed up by the rolling back or committing of other transactions.
ORA-01582 unable to open control file for backup

Cause:An operating system error occurred while attempting to open a control file for backup.
Action:Check the accompanying message stack for detailed information, then take appropriate action.
ORA-01583 unable to get block size of control file to be backed up

Cause:An operating system error occurred while attempting to get the block size of a control file for backup.
Action:Check the accompanying message stack for detailed information, then take appropriate action.
ORA-01584 unable to get file size of control file to be backed up

Cause:An operating system error occurred while attempting to get the file size of a control file for backup.
Action:Check the accompanying message stack for detailed information, then take appropriate action.
ORA-01585 error identifying backup file name

Cause:An operating system error occurred when attempting to identify the referenced control file for backup.
Action:Check the accompanying message stack for detailed information, then take appropriate action.
ORA-01586 unable to open destination file name for backup

Cause:An operating system error occurred while attempting to open a control file for backup.
Action:Check the accompanying message stack for detailed information, then take appropriate action.
ORA-01587 error during control file backup file copy

Cause:An operating system error occurred while attempting to copy a control file for backup.
Action:Check the accompanying message stack for detailed information, then take appropriate action.
ORA-01588 must use RESETLOGS option for database open

Cause:An earlier attempt to open the database with the RESETLOGS option did not complete, or recovery was done with a control file backup.
Action:Retry the operation making sure to specify the RESETLOGS option.
ORA-01589 must use RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open

Cause:Either cancel-based or time-based recovery has been performed. After these types of recovery, it is necessary to specify either the RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option to open the database.
Action:Specify the appropriate option.
ORA-01590 number of segment free list num exceeds maximum of num

Cause:The value of the storage clause FREELIST GROUPS is greater than the maximum allowed for the block size.
Action:Specify a number for FREELIST GROUPS less than or equal to the maximum when creating the table or index. The block size specified in the initialization parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE cannot be changed after the database is created.
ORA-01591 lock held by in-doubt distributed transaction num

Cause:An attempt was made to access a resource locked by a dead two-phase commit transaction that is in prepared state.
Action:Match the transaction number in the message with the GLOBAL_TRAN_ID column of the DBA_2PC_PENDING table to determine the database link and the state of the transaction. Attempt to repair network connections to the coordinator and commit point, if necessary. If timely repair is not possible, contact the database administrator at the commit point, if known, to resolve the pending transaction.
ORA-01592 error converting Version 6 rollback segment "num" to Oracle7 format

Cause:Oracle encountered an error while converting a Version 6 rollback segment into the format used by Oracle7.
Action:Investigate the accompanying internal error message. The Version 6 database may not have shut down cleanly. It may be necessary to reload the Version 6 database from backup and shut it down, ensuring it shuts down cleanly.
ORA-01593 rollback segment optimal size num blocks is smaller than the computed initial size num blocks

Cause:The specified OPTIMAL size is smaller than the cumulative size of the initial extents during create rollback segment.
Action:Specify a larger OPTIMAL size.
ORA-01594 attempt to wrap into rollback segment name extent num which is being freed

Cause:Undo generated to free a rollback segment extent is attempting to write into the same extent due to small extents or too many extents to free.
Action:Increase the optimal size of the rollback segment. The rollback segment shrinking will be rolled back by the system.
ORA-01595 error freeing extent num of rollback segment name

Cause:An error occurred while freeing inactive rollback segment extents.
Action:Check the trace file and check for prior messages.
ORA-01596 cannot specify system in name parameter

Cause:The system rollback segment is specified in the INIT.ORA parameter referred to in the error message.
Action:Change the INIT.ORA parameter.
ORA-01597 cannot alter system rollback segment online or offline

Cause:An attempt was made to online or offline the SYSTEM rollback segment.
Action:No action required.
ORA-01598 rollback segment "name" is not online

Cause:The rollback segment was taken offline either manually or by SMON.
Action:Check the status of the rollback segment in DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS.
ORA-01599 failed to acquire rollback segment "name", cache space is full (currently has num entries)

Cause:The amount of allocated space is not enough.
Action:Take the rollback segment offline.
ORA-01600 at most one str in clause str of GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS

Cause:The initialization parameter GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS was not specified properly.
Action:Refer to the proper specifications of the GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS parameter and specify it correctly in the initialization parameter file. If other instances are currently accessing the database, use the value that they are using.
ORA-01601 illegal bucket size in clause str of GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS

Cause:The number of locks specified in a clause of the initialization parameter GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS is not a positive integer.
Action:Refer to the proper specifications of the GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS parameter and specify it correctly in the initialization parameter file. If other instances are currently accessing the database, use the value that they are using.
ORA-01602 more locks in GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS than reserved in GC_DB_LOCKS

Cause:The total number of PCM locks specified to all database files in the initialization parameter GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS is greater than the number specified in GC_DB_BLOCKS.
Action:Correct the value of either the GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS parameter or the GC_DB_LOCKS parameter before starting the instance. If other instances are currently accessing the database, use the values that they are using.
ORA-01603 illegal grouping in clause str of GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS

Cause:The initialization parameter GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS is specified incorrectly; if a clause specifies more than one range of file numbers, each range must be separated with commas.
Action:Correct the value of the GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS parameter before starting the instance. If other instances are currently accessing the database, use the value they are using. Use the following syntax:

ORA-01604 illegal file number range in clause str of GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS

Cause:The range of file numbers specified in a clause of the initialization parameter GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS is invalid. The first file number must be smaller than the second file number, and a hyphen must separate the numbers. All numbers in the range must be valid file numbers.
Action:Correct the value of the GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS parameter before starting the instance. If other instances are currently accessing the database, use the value that they are using.
ORA-01605 missing file numbers in clause str of GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS

Cause:The initialization parameter GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS is specified incorrectly. Each clause should have one or more file numbers or ranges of file numbers, as listen in V$DBFILE, separated by commas. Use the following syntax:

GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS = "{filenum[-filenum]
	[,filenum[-filenum]]...=  num_of_locks[EACH]}[:]..." 

Action:Correct the value of the GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS parameter before starting the instance. If other instances are currently accessing the database, use the value that they are using.
ORA-01606 GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS not identical to that of another mounted instance

Cause:The initialization parameter GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS is not the same as another instance mounted in parallel mode. This parameter must be the same as that for all shared instances.
Action:Modify the parameter to be compatible with the other instances, then shut down and restart the instance.
ORA-01607 GC_LCK_PROCS num is not the same as other instances num

Cause:The initialization parameter GC_LCK_PROCS is not the same in other instances that have the database open.
Action:Modify the parameter to be compatible with the other instances, then shut down and restart the instance.
ORA-01608 cannot bring rollback segment "name" online, its status is status

Cause:The rollback segment may have been brought online previously by the database administrator or could have been left online after a process crashed. The above status can be one of the following: INVALID, IN USE, AVAILABLE, OFFLINE, NEEDS RECOVERY.
Action:Check the status of the rollback segment in the view DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS. Take the segment offline, if necessary.
ORA-01609 log name is the current log for thread num - cannot drop members

Cause:A member of the current redo log for the given thread cannot be dropped.
Action:If the thread is opened, request a log switch by the instance that is using the thread. If the thread is not open, disable the thread manually, archive the log or clear it.
ORA-01610 recovery using the BACKUP CONTROLFILE option must be done

Cause:Either an earlier database recovery session specified BACKUP CONTROLFILE or the control file was recreated with the RESETLOGS option. Only BACKUP CONTROLFILE recovery is allowed, and it must be followed by resetting the online redo log files when the database is next opened.
Action:Perform recovery using the BACKUP CONTROLFILE option.
ORA-01611 thread number num is invalid - must be between 1 and num

Cause:A thread number in a command is greater than the number of threads supported by the control file.
Action:Use a thread number that is valid.
ORA-01612 thread num is already enabled

Cause:An attempt was made to enable a thread that is already enabled.
Action:No action is required or enable another thread, if desired.
ORA-01613 thread num only has num logs - at least 2 logs required to enable

Cause:The thread cannot be enabled because it has less than two online redo log files associated with it.
Action:Add logs to the thread or pick another thread to enable.
ORA-01614 thread num is busy - cannot enable

Cause:The mount enqueue for the thread could not be acquired when attempting to enable the thread. This probably means that another process has already started enabling this thread.
Action:Wait and try again or find another thread to enable.
ORA-01615 thread num is mounted - cannot disable

Cause:Some instance, possibly this one, has allocated the thread for use. The thread may not be disabled while in use.
Action:To disable this thread, cleanly shut down the instance using it.
ORA-01616 thread num is open - cannot disable

Cause:The thread is not closed. The last instance to use the thread crashed and left the thread open. A thread cannot be disabled until it is closed. The thread is still needed for crash or instance recovery.
Action:If the database is open, instance recovery should close the thread soon. Wait a few minutes until instance recovery frees the thread. Otherwise, open the database. Crash recovery will close the thread.
ORA-01617 cannot mount: num is not a valid thread number

Cause:The initialization parameter THREAD is not between 1 and the maximum number of threads allowed when the database was created.
Action:Shut down the instance, change the initialization parameter to a valid value, then restart the instance.
ORA-01618 thread num is not enabled - cannot mount

Cause:The initialization parameter THREAD requests a thread that is not enabled. A thread must be enabled before it can be mounted.
Action:Shut down the instance, change the initialization parameter to an enabled thread number, then restart the instance. If the database is open in another instance, then the thread may be enabled.
ORA-01619 thread num is mounted by another instance

Cause:The initialization parameter THREAD requests a thread that has been mounted by another instance. Only one instance may use each thread.
Action:Shut down the instance, change the initialization parameter to an unused thread, then restart the instance.
ORA-01620 no public threads are available for mounting

Cause:The initialization parameter THREAD is zero, its default value. There are no available threads that have been publicly enabled.
Action:Shut down the instance, change the initialization parameter to a thread that is privately enabled and not mounted, then restart the instance. If the database is open in another instance, then a thread may be publicly enabled.
ORA-01621 cannot rename member of current log if database is open

Cause:This is a rename command for a member of the current log for an open thread. If the database is open anywhere, the log may be in use, so the rename cannot be done.
Action:Wait until the log is not current or mount the database exclusively.
ORA-01622 thread number must be specified - default not specific

Cause:The thread was not specified when adding a log, and the currently mounted thread was chosen by default. Because the current thread was not specified explicitly, the user cannot know to which thread the log will be added.
Action:Explicitly specify the thread number either in the initialization parameter THREAD or in the ADD LOGFILE command.
ORA-01623 log num is current log for thread num - cannot drop

Cause:A thread's current log cannot be dropped, even if the thread is closed. A disabled thread usually does not have a current log, but a half completed disable may need to be disabled again.
Action:If the database is not open, disable the thread. If the database is open and an instance has the thread open, then switch logs in the instance with the thread open.
ORA-01624 log name needed for crash recovery of thread num - cannot drop

Cause:A log cannot be dropped or cleared until the thread's checkpoint has advanced out of the log.
Action:If the database is not open, then open it. Crash recovery will advance the checkpoint. If the database is open, force a global checkpoint. If the log is corrupted so that the database cannot be opened, it may be necessary to do an incomplete recovery until this log is cancelled.
ORA-01625 rollback segment name does not belong to this instance

Cause:An attempt was made to take a rollback segment offline that does not belong to this instance.
Action:Take only those rollback segments offline that belong to the current instance. To take the rollback segment offline, connect to the instance containing it.
ORA-01626 rollback segment number num cannot handle more transactions

Cause:There are too many transactions in this segment.
Action:Choose a different rollback segment or reduce the number of concurrent transactions.
ORA-01627 rollback segment number num is not online

Cause:This rollback may have been taken offline by the database administrator or cleaned up by SMON.
Action:Check the status of the rollback segment in DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS to make sure the rollback segment is actually online.
ORA-01628 max # of extents num reached for rollback segment num

Cause:An attempt was made to extend a rollback segment that already has reached its maximum size or space could not be allocated in the data dictionary to contain the definition of the object.
Action:If possible, increase the value of either the MAXEXTENTS or PCTINCREASE initialization parameters or find the data dictionary table lacking space and alter the storage parameters, as described in the Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide.
ORA-01629 max # of extents num reached saving undo for tablespace name

Cause:The maximum amount of space allowed for saving undo entries has been reached for an offline tablespace.
Action:Check the storage parameters for the SYSTEM tablespace. The tablespace named needs to be brought online so that the undo information can be applied.
ORA-01630 max # of extents num reached in temp segment in tablespace name

Cause:The maximum amount of space allowed for saving undo entries has been reached for a temporary segment in the named tablespace, or space could not be allocated in the data dictionary to contain the definition of the object.
Action:If possible, increase the value of either the MAXEXTENTS or PCTINCREASE initialization parameters or find the data dictionary table lacking space and alter the storage parameters as described in the Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide.
ORA-01631 max # of extents num reached in table name

Cause:The maximum amount of space allowed for saving undo entries has been reached for the named table.
Action:If possible, increase the value of either the MAXEXTENTS or PCTINCREASE initialization parameters.
ORA-01632 max # of extents num reached in index name

Cause:The maximum amount of space allowed for saving undo entries has been reached for the named index.
Action:If possible, increase the value of either the MAXEXTENTS or PCTINCREASE initialization parameters.
ORA-01633 Parallel Server option needed for this operation

Cause:The system is not configured to use the Parallel Server option, so the feature is not available.
Action:Contact Oracle Corporation to obtain the Parallel Server option.
ORA-01634 rollback segment number str is about to go offline

Cause:The rollback segment specified was marked to go offline by the DBA.
Action:Bring the rollback segment online before continuing, or choose another rollback segment. If using SET TRANSACTION, use ROLLBACK SEGMENT 'name'.
ORA-01635 rollback segment #num specified not available


Action:For the above, either:
ORA-01636 rollback segment "name" is already online

Cause:A rollback segment can only be used by one instance and an instance is trying to bring a rollback segment online that is already in use.
Action:Check that the values set in the initialization parameter file for parameters ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS, ROLLBACK_SEGMENT_INITIAL, and ROLLBACK_SEGMENT_COUNT are correctly set for the instance with the problem. Also check that the instance is using the correct initialization parameter file. Make sure you are not confused about the difference between private and public rollback segments. See the Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide for more information about using rollback segments in parallel mode.
ORA-01637 rollback segment "name" is being used by another instance #name

Cause:A rollback segment can only be used by one instance, and an instance is trying to access a rollback segment online that is already in use.
Action:Check that the values set in the initialization parameter file for parameters ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS, ROLLBACK_SEGMENT_INITIAL, and ROLLBACK_SEGMENT_COUNT are correctly set for the instance with the problem. Also check that the instance is using the correct initialization parameter file. Make sure you are not confused about the difference between private and public rollback segments. See Oracle7 Parallel Server Concepts & Administration for more information about using rollback segments in parallel mode.
ORA-01638 parameter name does not allow Oracle Version num to mount parallel

Cause:The recovery compatible initialization parameter is set too low to allow this software version to do a parallel mount.
Action:Either use an earlier software release or advance the RECOVERY_COMPATIBLE parameter. If this happens when no RECOVERY_COMPATIBLE parameter has been specified, then set it to the current software release.
ORA-01639 database cannot be mounted parallel with no lock processes

Cause:The value of GC_LCK_PROCS is 0, and the database is being mounted in parallel mode.
Action:Change GC_LCK_PROCS to a value between 1 and 10 or leave it undefined to use the default.
ORA-01640 cannot make tablespace read-only with active transactions

Cause:An attempt to make a tablespace read-only encountered active transactions in the database. All transactions must be committed or rolled back to ensure consistency. This includes any transactions that are in doubt.
Action:Put the database in restricted mode to prevent any new transactions from being started and commit and/or rollback all active transactions, resolving all in-doubt transactions.
ORA-01641 tablespace name is not online - cannot add datafile

Cause:An attempt was made to add a datafile to a tablespace that was set to read only or offline.
Action:Make the tablespace online, read-write, and add the datafile.

ORA-01642 begin backup not needed for read-only tablespace name

Cause:An attempt was made to use the BEGIN BACKUP or END BACKUP statement for a tablespace that has been made read-only.
Action:Start the backup without using the BEGIN BACKUP or END BACKUP statement. Read-only files cannot be modified and therefore will be consistent.
ORA-01643 system tablespace cannot be made read-only

Cause:An attempt was made to make the system tablespace read-only. The system tablespace must be read-write for database operations.
Action:Do not attempt this operation.
ORA-01644 tablespace name is already read-only

Cause:An attempt was made to make read-only a tablespace that is already read-only.
Action:This operation is unnecessary.
ORA-01645 previous attempt to make read-write is half complete

Cause:A failure while making a tablespace read-write occurred leaving the tablespace read-only, however the checkpoint was advanced. The tablespace will not be usable after a RESETLOGS if it's files are offline.
Action:Attempt to make the tablespace read-write again.
ORA-01646 tablespace name is not read-only - cannot make read-write

Cause:An attempt was made to make read-write a tablespace that is already read-write.
Action:This operation is unnecessary.
ORA-01647 tablespace "name" is read-only, cannot allocate space in it

Cause:An attempt was made to allocate space in a read-only tablespace, which is not possible.
Action:Create the object in a read-write tablespace.
ORA-01648 log name is the current log of disabled thread name

Cause:An attempt to enable the thread failed after it was half completed. This log was left as the current log even though the thread is still disabled. Because a log switch cannot be done until the thread is enabled, the log cannot be cleared or archived.
Action:Complete the thread enable by issuing the enable command again.
ORA-01649 operation not allowed with a backup control file

Cause:An attempt was made to perform a command that does not make sense when the control file is a restored backup.
Action:Wait until after the database has been opened and try again.
ORA-01650 unable to extend rollback segment name by num in tablespace name

Cause:Failed to allocate extent for the rollback segment in tablespace.
Action:Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified tablespace.
ORA-01651 unable to extend save undo segment by num in tablespace name

Cause:Failed to allocate extent for saving undo entries for the specified offline tablespace.
Action:Check the storage parameters for the system tablespace. The tablespace must be brought back online so the undo can be applied.
ORA-01652 unable to extend temp segment by num in tablespace name

Cause:Failed to allocate extent for temp segment in tablespace.
Action:Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified tablespace or create the object in another tablespace.
ORA-01653 unable to extend table by num in tablespace name

Cause:Failed to allocate extent for table segment in tablespace.
Action:Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified tablespace.
ORA-01654 unable to extend index by num for tablespace name

Cause:Failed to allocate extent for index segment in tablespace.
Action:Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified tablespace.
ORA-01655 unable to extend cluster by num for tablespace name

Cause:Failed to allocate extent for cluster segment in tablespace.
Action:Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified tablespace.
ORA-01656 max num extents num reached in cluster

Cause:A cluster tried to extend past the value specified for MAXEXTENTS.
Action:If MAXEXTENTS is less than the system maximum, specify a higher value. Otherwise, you must recreate with larger INITIAL, NEXT, or PCTINCREASE parameters.
ORA-01658 unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace name

Cause:Failed to find sufficient contiguous space to allocate INITIAL extent for segment being created.
Action:Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE to add additional space to the tablespace or retry with a smaller value for INITIAL.
ORA-01659 unable to allocate MINEXTENTS beyond size in tablespace name

Cause:Failed to find sufficient contiguous space to allocate MINEXTENTS for the segment being created.
Action:Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE to add additional space to the tablespace or retry with smaller value for MINEXTENTS, NEXT, or PCTINCREASE.
ORA-01660 tablespace name is already permanent

Cause:An attempt was made to make a tablespace permanent that was already permanent.
Action:Leave tablespace permanent.

ORA-01661 tablespace name is already temporary

Cause:An attempt was made to make a tablespace temporary that was already temporary.
Action:Leave tablespace permanent.

ORA-01662 tablespace name is non-empty and cannot be made temporary

Cause:An attempt was made to convert a non-empty tablespace to a temporary tablespace.
Action:Drop all the objects in the tablespace.

ORA-01663 the contents of tablespace name is constantly changing

Cause:The contents of the tablespace always changed between PERMANENT and TEMPORARY.
Action:Decide what the tablespace contents should be and stay with it.

ORA-01664 transaction which has expanded the Sort Segment has aborted

Cause:Internal Error.
Action:Contact Oracle Support.
ORA-01665 controlfile is not a standby controlfile

Cause:An attempt was made to mount, recover, or activate a standby database without a standby controlfile.
Action:Create a standby controlfile before attempting to use the database as a standby database.

ORA-01666 controlfile is for a standby database

Cause:An attempt was made to mount, recover, or open a standby database without the appropriate command option to designate a standby database.
Action:Use the standby option or appropriate commands, or mount with the primary controlfile.

ORA-01667 redo log is incompatible with standby database

Cause:Recovery of a standby database encountered redo in primary database that did not support the standby database option.
Action:Change the compatible initialization parameter for the primary database to be 7.3.0 or greater, open the primary database, and rebuild the standby database.

ORA-01668 standby database requires DROP option for offline of datafile

Cause:An attempt was made to take a datafile offline in a standby database without specifying the DROP option. Files that were offline in a standby database were not recovered, and were likely to be unusable if the standby was activated. Note that specifying DROP does not prevent bringing the file online later.
Action:Specify the DROP option or leave the file online.

ORA-01669 standby database control file not consistent

Cause:An attempt was made to activate a standby database with a control file that was not recovered to the same point as the datafiles. Most likely the control file was just copied in primary database and was not used for recovery.
Action:Recover the standby database until all the files are consistent.

ORA-01670 new datafile name needed for standby database recovery

Cause:Standby database recovery noticed that a file was added to the primary database but was not available on the standby.
Action:Either copy the file in primary database or do an ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE command on the standby to create a file to recover.

ORA-01671 controlfile is a backup, cannot make a standby controlfile

Cause:The currently mounted control file was a backup control file and attempted to create a control file for a standby database.
Action:Complete any needed recovery and open the database with the RESETLOGS option.

ORA-01672 controlfile may be missing files or have extra ones

Cause:An attempt was made to create a standby control file, but the controlfile was either recently created by using CREATE CONTROLFILE or an incomplete recovery was done. Therefore, the datafiles in the controlfile and the ones in the data dictionary may not match.
Action:Open the database and retry the operation.

ORA-01673 datafile name has not been identified

Cause:The datafile was not in the control file after an incomplete recovery or CREATE CONTROLFILE. Since information from its header was needed for standby database recovery, a standby controlfile cannot be created.
Action:Find the file and bring it online. If desired, it may be taken offline again. If you intend to drop this file, then taking it offline with the DROP option will avoid this error.

ORA-01674 datafile name is an old incarnation rather than current file

Cause:Recovery encountered redo that indicates this file was dropped in database, and another file was added using the same file number. This implies that a CREATE CONTROLFILE command was given the old file which was dropped rather than the latest file.
Action:Rebuild the controlfile using CREATE CONTROLFILE, and give the correct file.

ORA-01675 attempting a secondary mount of a standby database

Cause:An attempt was made to mount a standby database as a secondary.
Action:The standby database is already mounted. Do a dismount first before attempting to mount the standby database.

ORA-01676 standby file name convert of num exceeds maximum length of num

Cause:When the given file name was converted to the name used for the standby database, the converted name was bigger than the maximum allowed file name.
Action:Change the initialization parameter DB_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT or LOG_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT to convert to a valid file name.

ORA-01677 standby file name convert parameters differ from other instance

Cause:The DB_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT or LOG_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameters were not the same as in other instances that already have the database mounted.
Action:Change initialization parameters DB_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT and LOG_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT to match other instances.

ORA-01678 parameter name must be two strings, a pattern and a replacement

Cause:The specialized initialization parameter did not have 2 strings for its value. The first string is a pattern to be found in file names. The second string is used to replace the pattern when found in file names.
Action:Specify two strings for the parameter, or omit the parameter.
ORA-01679 database must be mounted EXCLUSIVE and not open to activate

Cause:An attempt to activate a standby database was made when the database was not mounted EXCLUSIVE or was already open.
Action:Mount the database EXCLUSIVE and retry the ACTIVATE command.

ORA-01680 gc_db_locks cannot be zero if gc_files_to_locks is used

Cause:Setting gc_db_locks to zero makes data blocks in all files releasable, so specifying gc_files_to_locks is redundant.
Action:Remove either gc_db_locks or gc_files_to_locks.

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